
Online Training Urine Sediment

Online Training Urine Sediment
The training consists of two parts: Part 1 deals with particle identification, as well as pre- and post-analytical questions concerning urine sediment analysis. Part 2 deals with further diagnosis based on additionally provided medical data. You can do one or both parts. Each part is evaluated separately. This training is only intended for participants with previous knowledge in the field of urine sediment.
Online questionnaire incl. solutions
No samples will be sent.
German, English
Price Per Participant:
27 €
Type Of Certificate:
Laboratory-related certificate of participation + certificate if exam is passed

Jul. (4)
Registration deadline: 12.07.2024
Training available from: 29.07.2024
Closing date: 09.08.2024

Nov. (6)
Registration deadlinet: 01.11.2024
Training available from: 18.11.2024
Closing date: 22.11.2024

Additional Information:
After each question, the solution is presented immediately. This contains detailed expert comments to increase the learning effect. If the participant passes the course, it will receive a certificate, otherwise a certificate of participation. This online training does not replace EQA 172 - Urine Tests 06 (sediment images).
Training Manager:

Dr. ssa Rosanna Falbo

University Department of Laboratory Medicine

University Milano


Piazza dell Ateneo Nuovo, 1
