
CSF diagnostics in neurology - paradigm shift in brain barriers, immune system and chronic diseases (only offered in German)

CSF diagnostics in neurology - paradigm shift in brain barriers, immune system and chronic diseases (only offered in German)
The seminar is suitable for those interested in biochemistry, clinical chemistry, neurology and psychiatry. The biophysical relationships, network theory, non-linear dynamics of complex systems and epigenetic biology are clearly conveyed using practical examples that do not require any previous mathematical knowledge.
Seminar with microscopy exam
Reiber H. Liquordiagnostik in der Neurologie Paradigmenwechsel bei Hirn-Schranken, Immunsystem und chronischen Krankheiten, Springer, 2023
This course is currently offered in German only.
Price Per Participant:
84 Euro
Type Of Certificate:
personrelated certificate of participation

Deadline: 28.03.2024

Training available from: 13.04.2024

Training available until: 13.04.2024

Additional Information:
Personal registration is required for the event. You will find the registration form under ""Register"" as soon as the dates are known. The organizers assure that the training measure is designed to be product and/or service-neutral. Scientific management and speakers will disclose possible conflicts of interest affecting the content of the training event in their contributions.
Training Manager:

Prof. Dr. Hansotto Reiber
